About the Author Johnnie Johnson is a blind radio and TV producer in Denver, Colorado; he started in radio 1976 at Thomas Jefferson High School and moved on to working in many radio stations. At the age of 29, he started volunteering at a cable access studio producing the Innervision TV show where he interviews disabled people. As far as anyone knows Johnson was the first legally blind person to host and produce a weekly show in Colorado and in 1991 he and some of his blind and disabled friends wrote and starred in “Even Me,” a biographical story about two blind musical guys; one was a single father and the other one was a hansom single X gang member that started a band and ending up winning a cash prize and a record deal!Johnson went on to finish Metro State College with a BA degree in Broadcast Communication with a minor in Human Service administration and land a D.J. job at a Country bar were he was one of two blind Jocks, Johnson quickly won over the hearts of the patrons with his knowledge of music and his quick wit; from there he landed a high end D.J. gig paying four times as much as his first job after management wouldn’t give him a 2 dollar raise. He hated leaving the country disco, but Johnson felt a man should be paid what he is worth rather they are blind, or not.Currently Johnson is producing a weekly Cable TV show and runs an internet radio station called Innervision FM and is the president of a nonprofit he and Wayne co-started called Innervision; where the business of music is taught and blind and disabled radio jocks can produce shows.About this bookThis book is based on the journey of a 6-year-old child born healthy then made blind by doctors. I talk about the changes my mother and dad went through, what happens when my parents sued the doctors, how my brothers and sister dealt with me before and after my blindness. How this lack of sight slowed my learning down and how teachers worked with me. The new friends I met and how they saw me as a leader. I give my insight through my life stories on why it is important to talk to children about the world they are born into and how I had no understanding why I as a Black child was mistreated by some of the white adults and school mates and how that led to my early years of insecurities. I talk about my faith in God and interpretation of reading the Bible from cover to cover and three guy friends Wayne, Peter and Marlin that came along just when I needed friends! I explore trying to prove myself through sexuality and how I tried to fit in this sighted world. Some explicit descriptions of words and sex.