Cowboy - Refugee - Warrior - Human Abraham and Salahaddin Keyi were born Cowboy who had to flee from three different wars from Ethiopia, Egypt, and Libya.They were 253rd generation cowboys, who lost both their parents in the fog of war. Left as an orphan at age 6, at age of 9 turned child Refugees, spent 4 years in refugee prison, at 16years turned into warriors, at 18 years became healers, at the age of 22 they traveled the whole world only to find there home. at the age of 24years, they found their tribe again and that they were the sons of the last true king of their native tribe.After spending 4 months with his tribe Abraham left Salahaddin, He left to see other parts of his country. He got arrested for taking a picture of a fight where the government abused their power. He go arrested and stripped of his passport by the government, and spent 5 weeks in jail.They threatened him with execution if he kept telling people that belong to the royal family and his calm to a throne. He told the court that he made up the whole story, that it was just a joke, and was just trying to impress his friend back home by pretending to be rich.The judge believed him and offered him the chance to leave and never back. This being his only chance to escape death again he left his throne for his brother.His uncles picked him up from jail and dropped him at the airport bruised and beatenHe spent the time he had to write this story and hoped to change the lives of his family and friends he called home. His birthright as the King of the Nile is Dead and the last heir to the Dynasty died on the 20.09.2020His royal name was Salahaddin mine is Abraham Ayehu Keyi, our family banner was the color red with the golden Lion, which was The last warrior Tribe of the Solomonic Dynasty, which was ruled by the Last True Ra and godfather of kings Menelik II.One day Salahaddin, Abraham, Issac, Athena, and Abeto will all be buried next to our family.